Story 10
death mask and faces of Ned Kelly.
Bill Denheld
The image below
(on screen) is a
copy held by the
National Museum in
Canberra. On the
right is a copy
as held by various
One would believe
the cast to be
absolutely true.
Notice the gory
rope mark, the
thickened neck and
shouldered base
intended to sit on
a shelf. If we
compare this cast
copy with the
original made at
the time Ned Kelly
was hanged, you
may notice slight

The original Ned
Kelly death mask
was part of a
special display at
Waxworks in Bourke
Street Melbourne
1880. Apparently Max
made the original
impression from
Ned's face and it
was on display in
his shop the
after Ned's
However there is
evidence now at
hand that another
person may have
made the first
impression, a Mr
Cristofani who
owned the
Waxworks in
Cristofani had
specially come to
Melbourne to do
the job and was
accompanied by
Kreitmeyer. ( More
information to
follow )
It is possible Max
was commissioned
to take the first
cast on behalf of
the authorities
who wanted to
study Phrenology,
the study of the
heads of
murderers and
criminals executed. Today, phrenology
is regarded as a
Shown below is a 3D stereo image of the original death mask.
The mask was on
display at the
exhibition at the
Museum of
Melbourne May -
Oct 2004. It is held by the School
of Anatomy-
University. It
would be
interesting to
know if this death
mask was for the
study of
Phrenology at the
Uni, and can
the school offer
the 'scientific'
study notes
associated with
interesting piece.
Please note, this
image is copyright not to
be commercially

order to see it in 3D
you must sit
square on to the
screen. Gently
cross your eyes.
Go cross eyed till
you get three
images in a row.
Only look at the
middle resulting
which will be in 3D.
may have to tilt
your head from
side to side to
align the images.
Good luck
I wish to point
out, the following
is just a theory
and questions
To me there is a
problem with the
plaster cast
(in the upper
most) as there is
a definite hangman's rope
grove around a very
thick neck. This I
am told is normal
with hangings as
the face and neck
are engorged with
blood causing
severe swelling of
body parts.
comparison to this
original cast
it has
only slight hangman's rope marks even though half
the neck has been
broken away, but
what remains is
a good
indication of
the original
impression, and it is
supposed to be the
original cast.
this suggest, - if
the above is the
original (as
reported) and from
which 'later'
copies were made,
I simply ask why
some copies
giving the
subject that
odd thuggish
look ? The cast
pictured above
does not display
that short
thick neck, yet
'shouldered' copies held by
institutions do ?
The purpose of
this exercise is
not to
'cast' doubt on
authenticity of
the piece, rather
to question
accuracy. Please
compare the two
photos and
question which
came first.
Of great interest
to know
the order in which
the casts were
One way to find
out would be to
measure the
circumference of
the each cast. The
larger the
dimension the
closer to the
original because
each subsequent
mould or cast
would reduce the
because of
shrinkage of
plaster and
subsequent copies
I ask these
A, If
this is the original Kreitmeyer
/ Cristofani cast
and the first copy,
why does the
original not show
the thick- blood
engorged neck and
face synonymous
the hangman's noose?
B, Was the original cast later
duplicated and sculpted to include
exaggerated 'rope
marks' and and a thickened neck to
fit a criminal
profile the
authorities wanted
to show?
Is this another
example of
justice denied to
(by the
authorities) while
he was still alive, and
then perpetuated
after they cut his
head off ?
C, Would a hanged person have a longer thickened
If anyone can
offer information
to these
questions, please
add to this story.
Is this
important ?
The detail, eye lashes, the
creases around his
eyes ( probably
caused by the
harsh environment,
premature ageing
and the worry of
his predicament ).
No doubt, at his death he
had a gentle face
at peace, not at
all the face of a
mean spirited
murderer, the
reason the mask
was made.
All images
To the best of
my knowledge,
from the
original mould, a
further three
were made. There is
a shouldered copy with the
Historical Unit
in Melbourne,
another at
Australian National
Museum in Canberra,
and one at the State
Library of
Victoria. It is
believed a private
collector was
able to procure one of
the three around 1971.
How this came
about is
not clear, but I
have been told from
this privately
held copy
a further 20
were cast for
information at
hand indicates
these 20 copies
were offered
during late
problem with
copies made from
copies is that
each following tend
become very slightly smaller
to shrinkages of
moulds and
materials. If ever
you have stood
in front of
Ned's death
mask and
wondered why he
had such a small
head, the
reason is
shrinkage. Ned
had a large
head (he knew
that for sure).
Most copies I've
seen are about
38 mm smaller
around the
circumference of
the skull.
However, it's interesting to
compare the
plaster cast at
the very top of this
page with this
We need to ask,
were the subsequent
copies altered to
a criminal
profile the
wanted to
This restoration
(by author) is the
original form.
During the
restoration phase I
captured these
3D images of a
smiling Ned.
Notice we see
a youthful Ned
rather than the
older criminal looking
person in the
The smile is the
result of subtle
lighting and
shadows in an
attempt to capture
perhaps the real
face of Ned. Ned
in fact was not
smiling but,
had he been bald
and clean
this then is certainly
how he would have
looked, a young man
of only 26 years
of age.
Regarding these Stereo
Image sets.
In order to see
the above images in 3D you must
train your eyes.
Gently go cross
eyed till
you see three
images in a row.
When that
happens gently
Tilt your head
slightly from
side to side to
line up all the
3 images.
third image will
be in 3D.
This phenomena
of viewing 2
ordinary flat
pictures side by
side taken with
an ordinary
camera was first
discovered by
myself 20 years
ago. Un be known
to me at the
time this was a
well known
experience, but
I had to do it
without special
glasses. The process
for making
stereo image
sets is easy,
just take two
images moving the
camera to the
right by the
distance your
eyes are apart
for the second
shot. Combine
the two shots
by crossing your
eyes. These eye
exercises do no
harm. We
sit and stare
out cross eyed
all the time.
The trick is to
be able to do
this at will.
If unsuccessful
now, try later.
You will be
rewarded. Only
look at the
middle resulting image.
You should see
three images in
a row like shown
here, but only
the middle image
is in 3D.
Recently this death mask appeared on EBay
The mask is surely weird looking. Obviously the plaster cast has a
lot of distortion that came about when the maker did not take precautions
to ensure reproduction accuracy. To make a reliable mould impression takes a lot of
preparation work and
expensive materials.
The sunken facial features are consistent with the moulds inner surface
coming away from the
supporting mould during the casting. It is amazing how critical even 1 mm
change can make on a bust of this type.
Notice the creases on the skin surface where the rubber mould failed to
retain its shape. While it is a reproduction cast, I hope the end buyer realises the
faults and is no longer an accurate impression of
Ned's death mask.
added 23 July 2006. Bill Denheld
The EK marked gun,
The remains of an 1866 vintage Winchester rifle found in a mine shaft at
Beechworth Vic. during the 1940's comes to light.
private collection
important, but
more likely a
curio, the remains
of a gun block and
barrel together
with three other
antique guns were
discovered in a
mine shaft back in
the 1940's. The
private collector
kept the find with
his gun
collection. It is
shown here for the
first time and I
invite comment.
What do you make
of it. Have you
heard of others.
Again there are
vexing questions,
who would so
clumsily stamp EK
upside down in
such an obvious
prominent place.
It is marked with
a chisel tool and
looks very
authentic. The gun
looks like it has
been cannibalized
for spare parts.
It is a Winchester
1866 model .44in
(11.2 mm) issued
during the US
civil war army.
Was this EK gun,-
part of the Kelly
armament at the
time of the
uprisings that
failed, and ended
up a liability to
the owner? Having
been found in
Victoria gives it
pedigree. It is
known that many
guns were marked
by rebellious
glorifiers of the
Kelly legend as
far back as the
1890's. I like to
think it is a
genuine relic.
We know Ned Kelly
did not possess a
Winchester, so it
was not his.
The Kelly gang's
last camp fire ?

detail camp,
with permission
courtesy of the
Tolmie private
reserved 2003
The above picture
is a detail from
the source photo
titled ' Kelly
camp' below.
Mr. Ewen Tolmie
held Hollands Run
from 1860 till
1877, it was
16.000 acres.
He also held Dueran Station
Mansfield. The
above skull with
bullet holes is
testimony of on
site butchery.
Although the
photos are not
dated, A Tolmie
work party
conducted a
roundup of stray
cattle that had
eluded previous
attempts. A
party of four
stockmen set out
and took with
them a small
plate camera.
Recorded were
some earliest
and most
pictures of the
high country.
This is one of the dozen
was named
Kelly's camp shows
the remains of
one of the Kelly
huts. A post
still stands

Kellys Camp,
with permission
courtesy of the
Tolmie private
reserved 2003.
This enlargement
of the central
target tree
clearly shows
axe chopping to
recover the
bullet lead for
re smelting into
bullet moulds
for re use.

Target tree high
res image
courtesy of the
Tolmie private
reserved 2003.
More to come,
This section will be devoted to items of interest
to do with the Kelly story. There will be lots of
pictures of items recently found at Kellys Ck and
discoveries to do with the topography of the
If you know
of anyone who may have Kelly related items,
pictures or information in their possession,
I would be most interested and grateful for show
on this website. |
The writer reserves copyright and none of the text or images may be
reproduced without written permission. Some
personal views expressed are conjecture -
based upon published works and open to feedback to Bill Denheld.
bill at denheldid dot com
Oct.2002 -
updated Sept
2003 - July 2005